英文Dave Mallow
戴夫-马洛,是美国配音演员,他已知的别名之一是Colin Phillips 。在2007年1月,他在纽约市举行的第一年度美国动画片奖中,提名为最佳男演员。
Arc the Lad - Shu
Blade of the Immortal - Sori
Bleach - Kensei Muguruma, Aaroniero Arruruerie (Kaien), Kaien Shiba (after Kim Strauss)
Daigunder - Track Announcer
Digimon Adventure/Digimon Adventure 02 - Angemon/MagnaAngemon (Season One and Two), Upamon, Pegasusmon (Season Two)
Digimon Data Squad - Elecmon, Togemon, Ring Announcer, Gekomon, Numemon, Otamamon, Agent #1, Tokomon
Digimon Frontier - Angemon
Digimon Tamers - Vilemon, Grani
Dragon Ball - Oolong (MaoMao) (Harmony Gold dub)
Eiken - Shimada
Eureka Seven - Jobs
Hajime no Ippo - Yanaoka
FLCL - Commander Amarao
Flint the Time Detective - Merlock Holmes, Coconaut
Great Teacher Onizuka - Kouichi Igurashi
Gurren Lagann - The Anti-Spiral
Karas - Kamaitachi
Last Exile - Casino Royale Dealer, Cicada, Goliath XO, Guild Watcher #3, Silvana Observation Deck Officer, Sunny Boy
Mars Daybreak - Ginpetit
Mobile Suit Gundam - The Movie Trilogy - Narrator
Noozles - Grandpa Benjamin Brown, Frankie
Phantom: The Animation - Master Scythe
Rurouni Kenshin - Sadojima Hoji, Udo Jin-e
Scrapped Princess - General Peters-Stahl
Street Fighter Alpha: Generations - Gouken
Tenchi Muyo! GXP - Kanemitsu Hirata, Misao Kuramitsu, Azusa Masaki Jurai
Vandread - Pyoro
Wanwan Sanjushi - Dogtanian
Witch Hunter Robin - Hattori
When They Cry - Kyousuke Irie
X - Seishirou Sakurazuka
Zatch Bell! - Yopopo, Kikuropu, Cut 'N' Paste, Additional voices
Arthur's Missing Pal - TV Announcer
Digimon: The Movie - Angemon/Seraphimon, Upamon
FernGully: The Last Rainforest - Additional Voices
Fist of the North Star - Heart (Streamline dub)
Forest Warrior - Bear Vocal Effects (uncredited)
Krippendorf's Tribe - Newscaster (voice, uncredited)
Lensman: Secret of the Lens - Thorndyke
Metropolis - Pero
Nixon - Newscaster (voice, uncredited)
'Til There Was You - Newscaster (voice, uncredited)
Turbulence - Autopilot Voice (uncredited)
The Waterboy - Sports Announcer (voice, uncredited)
First Snow - Radio Announcer (voice, uncredited)
The L.A. Riot Spectacular - Newscaster (voice, uncredited)
Dawn of the Dead - Zombie Vocal EFX (uncredited)
The Unborn - Devil Baby Vocal EFX (uncredited)
John Carpenter's Vampires - Vampire Vocal EFX (uncredited)
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - "Baseplate", Incidental Characters
Digimon Rumble Arena - Patamon/Seraphimon
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII - Incidental Characters
.hack//G.U. Vol.3: Aruki you na hayasa - Incidental Characters
Klonoa - Joker, Royal Guard
Mass Effect - Codex Narrator
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Incidental Characters
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun - Incidental Characters
Might and Magic: World of Xeen -
Neverwinter Nights - Incidental Characters
Project Sylpheed - Luther Higgins
Radiata Stories - Larks (uncredited)
Samurai Champloo: Sidetracked - Hanaoka
Soulcalibur IV - Narrator
Space Siege - Dr. Edward DeSoto
SpellForce: Shadow of the Phoenix
Splinter Cell: Double Agent - Incidental Characters
Street Fighter IV - Akuma
Suikoden V - Isato
Tales of Vesperia - Announcer
Time Crisis 4 - Wild Dog
Warriors Orochi - Ieyasu Tokugawa
World of Warcraft - Meathook/Xevozz/Arrakoa/Various additional characters & monster vocal effects
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