双城记英文读后感 篇1
"A tale of two cities" is one of Dickenss most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed peoples great strength.
The novel has portrayed many different people. Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually , Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,Sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfless and lofty,Miss Pross is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister……The complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the price.
As an outstanding writer,in Dickenss work,the language skill is essential.Each kind of rhetoric technique,like the analogy,the exaggeration,the contrast,the humorous,and the taunt are handled skillfully,and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak."A tale of two cities" has its difference with the general historical novel, its character and the main plot are all fictionalizes.With the broad real background of the French Revolution,the author take the fictional character Doctor Manettes experience as the main clue,interweaves the unjust charge, love and revenge three independences but also incident cross-correlation stories together,the plot is criss-crossed,and the clue is complex.The author use narrates,foreshadowing,upholstery and so many techniques,causes the structure integrity and strictness,the plot winding anxious and rich of theatrical nature,it displayed the remarkable artistic skill.the style "A tale of two cities" is solemnity and melancholy,fills indignantion,but lacks the humor of the early works.
双城记英文读后感 篇2
The tale of two cities is a historical story, one of Dickens’ long fictions.The background to the novel is the revolution of France .It portrayed a brutal and bloody story , but it also contained love and friendship.
In the novel, Dickens sarcastically described a typical cruel nobleman-marquis of Evermonde . When he was young he and his brother stole a countrywoman by force and killed her family .What’s worse , he used his power to imprison Dr Manette , a kind and honest man who knew all the things they had done and wanted to disclose their crimes . In order to hide their crimes. Marquis of Evermonde and his brother threw Doctor Manette into prison for 18 years . During these 18 years,Doctor Manette lost his freedom and suffer a great in spirit .
I felt unthinkable that Marquis of Evermonde and his brother killed people just as easily as they killed chickens. They deprived other people’s freedom as they liked and they thought it was normal and unremarkable. They had never realized that they had done something wrong or something improper. Because their nature was cruel and evil, like demons. There is an old saying which means: People who commit too many crimes will kill themselves. After all, there is justice in the world. The demons can’t be rampant forever. Because the world will not forgive them. They will pay their lives for their crimes. Let’s see the consequence of the Marquis,’’He lay there like a stone with a knife pushed into his heart.” I think it was just what he ought to gain and it is a real exciting scene.
The Marquis’ death was just the beginning of people’s (www.fwsir.com)resistance to the nobleman. Gradually more and more people joined in the revolution. One after another nobleman were sentenced to death and their heads were cut down . However, some innocent people were implicated in the revolution. Charles Darney was one of them He was the nephew of Marquis of Evermonde. To the opposite of his uncle, Darney was a kind and independent young man.
Dickens spoke highly of kindness mercy and love in the novel too. This is the other thone of the novel when Doctor Manette was released from prison. It was his daughter Lucie who took care of him and helped him return to normal. During this time, Dr manette and Lucie knew Charles Darney and Sydeny Carton, the two young man fell in love with Lucie at the same time . At last, Lucie married Chares Darney .Dr Manette accepted Darney as his son-in-law although he knew that Darney was the nephew of the man who threw him into prison for18 years. This is the love between father and daughter. And Sydeny Carton , the very great man ,loved Lucie deeply. He promised Lucie that he would do everything for her happiness. He did it truely ,he sacrificed himself instead of Darney who looked the same as him. This is love for lovers . This is the most wonderful thing in the world. It also reminds us that no matter how no matter when there is true love existing. At the end , Lucie, Dr Manette and Darney arrived in England safely.
The tale of two cities is different from other historical fictions. Its characters and main plots are fictional under the real background of the revolution of France. The author made the experience of the fictional charactor Dr Manette as the main clue.The plots are complicated, and they are flexuous and dramatic. The structure is complete and rigorous.
Dickens had dear love and hate. He praised those who ought to be praised and attacked those who ought to be attacked. The motivation of the novel maybe just warn the English dominators. But I think we can learn something meaningful from the tale of two cities.
双城记英文读后感 篇3
These days I have read the well-known masterpiece A Tale of Two Cities. There are various roles in the book, and their relationship is amazing, which is unimaginabe.
The two cities mean England and Paris. The background of the novel is the big Revolution of France. The brutal Mrs.Defarge, innocent Charels, very kind Mr.Sydney Carden, and the devoted maiden gave me a deep impression.
I have a favorable impression about good persons while I hate the bad guys. Mr Carden was loyal to friends. He valued the sentiment among others. He fell in love with Lucy the first time he met her. Although Lucy refused him, his love for her was never changed. He even exchange himself for Lucy's husband to jail because he hoped Lucy would never be sad. This figure moved me so much.
双城记英文读后感 篇4
A Love and Hate in A Tale of Two Cities Many have grown fond of the tale involving the noble, former Fr ench aristocrat, who had virtually unmatched (except maybe in boo ks) good fortune. First, his life was saved by the pitiful testimony of a beautiful young woman. Anyone would gladly have married th is beautiful too-good-to-be-true-woman he wedded. It is later seen, however, that this man should have married her even if she were u gly as sin. This was not the case though, and he married a beautif ul woman, who had an admirer who was a dead ringer for her hus band, was a loser, and would give his life to keep her from pain, all of which really es in handy when her hubby is on his way to the guillotine. This is not the story of a man with multiple gua rdian angels, but rather that of a character in Charles Dickens' nove l A Tale of Two Cities. A skeptic could easily see this as an unbe lievable, idealistic and overrated novel that is too far-fetched. An u nbiased reader, however, can seethat this is a story of love and ha te, each making up the bare-bones of the novel so that one must l ook closely to see Dickens' biases, attempts at persuasion, and unbe lievable plot-lines, some of which are spawned from Dickens' love and hate, and some of which love and hate are used to develop.
The more lifeless of the characters we are supposed to like--the Ma nettes, Darnay, Lorry-- play their parts in the idyllic fashion Dicken s and like-minded readers want, a fashion made inflexible by circu mstances and purposes. "Circumstances and purposes" refers in larg e part to Dickens' state of mind and objective. Dickens' intrusive, u nusually editorial point of view, with references to "I" and deviatio ns from narration for monologue, reveals the novel's slavery to the teachings of his morals--or perhaps his own slavery to the morals o f his time and Protestantism. Therefore, can Lucie be any different from the supportive, wholly feminine wife and mother she is? Not if Dickens' is to stick to his obligation, or perhaps obstinate purpos e, of moral teachings. With that aside, what is to be said of Dickens' teaching, his presen tation of love and hate? They both have one thing in mon: the characters representing each are unmistakable at a mile away. The moment Lucie Manette is put before the reader's eyes, her tumblin g blond locks, her bright blue eyes, her seventeen-year-old,slight,p retty (but not sexy!) figure and all, he knows that, not only will sh e not be a villainous, unlikable character, but she will be the epito me of the good, beautiful woman (and later housewife), the one Di ckens thought every women should be. At this young woman's intr oduction with Mr. Lorry, she curtseys to him, and Dickens wastes no time in pointing out that "young ladies made curtseys in those days". The introductory scene climaxes at fair Lucie's fainting, one that, to some, puts her unflawed position into question, although to Dickens, it reinforces it. At the other side of this moral lecture are the Defarges. Call Dicke ns a master for embodying qualities, but here are another flawless pair--flawlessly evil, and sentenced to evil from the moment we see Madame Defarge's "watchful eye that seldom seemed to look at a nything, a large hand heavily ringed, a steady face, strong features, and great posure of manner", a stark contrast to the slight, fai nting figure of Mada-- or rather, Miss Manette. To further turn us against good old Madame Defarge, Dickens has her using a toothpi ck publicly in her opening scene, an activity dainty Miss Manette wouldn't dream of. Finally, we mustn't forget the setting. Lucie ma y have been born in France, but she defected to England, and trave led from London to meet Mr. Lorry. Madame Defarge was a Frenc hwoman, born and living amongst peasants who drank wine scoope d off of mud. She probably was not taught Dickens' (and his prima ry English audience's) Protestant morals in her Catholic nation, and certainly did not manifest them.
In arguably the book's first touching scene (some say it's the one where Carton is on his way to the guillotine), Lucie goes through much trouble to coax her father from his insanity, laying her head on his shoulder, and trusting a man she had never met. When Mad ame Defarge sought vengeance for the cruel injustice mitted ag ainst her kin, she looked to destroy not only the innocent descende nt of the culprit, but his family-- an old man, a young woman, an d a little girl. These two characters' love and hate are unconditional and total. Did this have to be so? Could not Madame Defarge ha ve showed one bit of femininity, of human kindness? Could Lucie not have stolen a contemptuous glance at her persecutors? Not with Dickens at the helm. Lucie and Defarge are created with a convic tion, and once Dickens' plot was laid, the blinders he put on his c haracters allowed only one route. Perhaps it was a primitive style, but modern characters are painted more realistically, with human w eaknesses andmore variability. Did it have to be so? Could Dicken s have captured more readers, especially in the long run, if he had pursued more varying actions in his characters, as well as more h umanness and believability? Does this point to Dickens as a flawed writer, with little imagination and ability? Another factor that must be considered is our inability to criticize a n English--or English-living--character, or to find a modicum of res pectability in a French one, with two exceptions. One is the young woman who is beheaded just before Sydney Carton. She is the en emy of an enemy, she is going to be killed, and she allows Dicke ns to teach another moral using Sydney Carton. Why not have her happy to die for the benefit of her countrymen, while not trembling as she ascends to her death, thereby depriving the mon enemy of a small victory? With the modern trend of political correctness and anti-racism, a Tale of Two Cities written today would never le ave the word processor. Jerry Cruncher is about the most sinful of the English (aside from a spy but, remember, he defected to Franc e), and he repents by the end, which counts for another moral fro m Dickens. In Dickens' time, racism was not regarded as it is toda y, and so if he wanted to use the French Revolution to send a me ssage to the population, it was his right, but he may have taken thi s too far for some. Today, Lucie Manette would by no means be taken seriously as a believable, even likable character. She persists in fainting at particul arly stressful moments, but when her husband is before a heartless, bloodthirsty jury, she looks brave and strong just for him. In cont ext, this was a screaming contradiction, but one that Dickens requir ed to portray his Eve. It is much easier to believe Madame Defarg e's hate than her opposition's love. Defarge's sister was raped andmurdered mercilessly and her brother was killed by a pair heartless "noblemen". It is much easier to understand Defarge's taste for blo od than the condition of Manette, who, after practicing as a pet ent doctor and acting normally for years, experiences a recurrence of his mental condition simply because his wonderful daughter has left for two weeks, although he has two dear friends nearby. Charles Dickens has built an enduring story enjoyed by millions, w hich is loved by experts and critics today although it would be im mediately butchered if written by a modern author. It is a love stor y loved by its creator, but wholly unbelievable. It is actually doom ed by its own idealism and unrealistic characters. As a hate story, i t is much more petent, although also using this for its own pur poses. One can draw one's own conclusions and ideas from such a book, but facts are facts.
双城记英文读后感 篇5
Borrow a book the other day the world of super thick masterpiece a tale of two cities, took a few chapters later, I also decide it, really boring, and don't understand, today I borrowed it to lose weight, managed to finish it. Characters in the book a lot, but the characters of all kinds of relationship and then to my unexpected, the protagonist is a former prisoners in the bastille for 18 years horse nate doctor, her daughter, Lucy, and his son Charles...
Britain and France is known as the twins, the background of the novel, that is, the French revolution, I learn history, about the French revolution was clear to me, to contact in the novel, I really want to ask, is that true? Novel, mostly fiction, look after, gave me the impression is: the vicious wisely hot lady, innocent Charles, have nothing to say in the west, better ` cardan Sir, faithful maid miss pross, warm-hearted Mr Jarvis ` Laurie...
I am a good man always has a good will, for the bad guys always have a feeling of disgust, not surprisingly, everyone like this, unless he is a good man, to bad people with kindness heart, or that he is a super big, bad, the good person always have a feeling that "they good false!" In fact, this is not strange, the fact is so! A bunch of hypocrites. Well thermal couple to find Lucy, thought to help her husband Charles, was hurt her husband in prison again, and eventually lead to the death of Mr Cardan. I think Mr Cardan very handout spirit, heavy sentiment, the first time he saw Lucy he fell in love with her, although the profession was rejected, but still can't change love for her, and finally to Lucy and her husband together, in order to Lucy is no longer sad tears, he went to prison and Charles switched, changed Lucy's happiness with his own life, he couldn't help but feel what touched me most is a character.
双城记英文读后感 篇6
"It was the best of years, it was the worst of years, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness... We go straight to heaven, and we go straight to hell, "and dickens begins the tale of two cities with this sentence.
The beautiful miss manette, after she was an adult, knew that her father was still alive. She has been dealing with her father's family affairs and property, jarvis. Mr. Lory accompanied her to meet his father. On the way back, the father was taken care of by his daughter, and on the mail ship from France to England, Charles. Mr. Danay gave his parents, who had rested on the deck, the help, the first acquaintance, and the two left a good impression. In Charles. At the first trial, miss manette, as a witness, was assisted by Mr Carton, Charles. Darnay is out of danger. The fate of the three is tied together.
Spoony Charles. Da nai complained to his horse to horse nate doctor Burnett love stories, just read, I think he's smart, know the key to the book after reading it, I see Mr Ma nate to her daughter's blessing is need how much courage. The proposers are the offspring of the men who broke up their families. When he felt his daughter to Charles. After danai's love, he gave the couple the most holy blessing. The husband and wife are in love, the father and the daughter are strong, the child is healthy, the friend is loyal, the heaven is only so. "Needless to say, because she is thrifty, carefully, and arrange very elegant, have a rich a rich yulin, no waste, their home in this and even the slightest echo, are like music to her beauty. Needless to say, her father told her many times, he thought the marriage than unmarried more filial piety he (if any) may be more filial piety, her husband told her many times, in spite of all worry about the matter, she has to do all the obligations, does not seem to be distracted, and her love for him, for his help, and asked her, "we all think you look over everything, we would like one person, but you never seem to hurry-scurry, also not too tired, what's your secret to this trick ah, my dear?" "
Carton, from the love of miss manette, was so solemn, so noble, that she spoke of her life and her feelings for her. Miss manette had also given him his best friendship. 'I can't save you, Mr. Carton? I can't cheer you up -- forgive me again! -- on the right track? Can't I repay your trust? I know it's trust. Her sincerity, won the affection of friends, saved her lover and family.
A letter changed the family, leaving the husband dead. Charles. Darnay automatically threw himself into the heat of France and was imprisoned. The father, who had been taken care of by his daughter, became the protector of the whole family. Without law courts and trials, blood flows into rivers, murders, vengeance. Any small storm could ruin a life and ruin a family. When her husband was in custody, miss manette went to the place where the husband might see her. Charles. Darnay's second trial, a narrow escape. The third trial, the doctor's influence no longer, faces Charles. At the end of darnell's death, caton saved her husband, Charles, for miss manette, with her own life. Darnay rose from the dead. She deserves a man to love at the cost of his life.
Madame Defarge received the admiration of her husband, and her faithful love. For revenge, she would kill the count's blood. "O freedom, how many SINS are thy name! . Miss pross, "with a passionate love that is often stronger than hate," clung to madame Defarge, and in the struggle, madame Defarge injured her own life. Miss pross's love for miss manette came from miss manette's affection for her. Once again, her love saved her family.
Jarvis. In lory, the typical English gentleman, with his meticulous and emotional restraint, the bachelor was warm and consoled at miss manette's house, and kept his old friend in his life.
Miss manette, like a pearly woman, guarded her family and warmed her friends. Better a virtuous woman than a pearl!
双城记英文读后感 篇7
This holiday, I used my spare time to read dickens's "a tale of two cities", also have some understanding, I will write down my feelings.
1.Plot arrangement.
The plot of this book is very mysterious, and the author concatenates all kinds of clues, as mentioned in the article, "weaving" becomes the novel. The greatest feature of the novel is the complexity of the characters, such as the relationship between Dr Manette and danan; The relationship between Mrs D 'urberge and dannan - the two relations directly led to the final tragedy. And the relationship between Mr. Lorry and Mr. DE hair, and the relationship between the pass and the spy, and so on. These complex figures link the work of this book.
One of the most distinctive chapters of the book is a conversation with a little girl before his death, which thoroughly reveals that the revolutionary masses are too crazy and that the good will live on for ever.
2. Characters.
The most important character in the book is Charles daran (evmond). He was a very conflicted man, and he hated his father and uncle very much, but he had to support the whole family business. So when the old servant wrote to him, he had to return to France. He was a kind man, possessed of the civility of a nobleman, and when he met his uncle, he made it clear that he could not persecute the people. At the same time, he gave up the privileges of the nobility, which was a good deed.
Sydney Carton was also an important figure. I have never liked this casual, lazy character in the first half of the novel. But in the process of reading later, I found him to be an aggressive and resourceful person. Although it is "friend", but actually caton and south relationship is not so good, but for the sake of the family happiness drops of life, caton willing to the guillotine, let fled south, and the embodiment of the eternal good. In the article, carton died "like a prophet".
Mr And Mrs D 'arge also belong to the book's focus. He was a good man, and he took Dr Manette, and told his wife after the revolution that he would accept it. She was an avenger, and she had been persecuted by the evremonde brothers, so she wanted to kill all the French aristocrats. Of course, because of her violent behaviour, she died in the hands of miss pross.
3. Writing features.
This novel is very humorous, and the author has been using dialectical relations and repeated techniques to achieve this effect. Therefore, this touching novel can still be read with great laughter.
One of the features of the article is that the last author "helps carton express his feelings". The author used caton's language to show the end of the article, telling people that "kindness is forever in the world".
That's how I read the novel.
双城记英文读后感 篇8
"A tale of two cities" is hailed as the most outstanding representative of the French revolution, and I think the biggest reason may be because it is different. Unlike other works, such as Carlisle's "the French revolution", dickens was more concerned with the joys and sorrows of the people at the bottom. In those days, though, the little figures themselves did not draw the world's attention. But the author's keen capture of these little figures and the great revolution is inextricably linked, and arguably the French revolution itself was inspired by the power of the little people.
The French revolution was a mark of blood in human history. In that chaotic era, full of uncertainty; In such a state of disorder, all human nature is revealed. A tale of two cities by the French revolution as the background, through to race hatred between civilians and conflict, the author want to convey the dickens -- - unable to wash away hatred, blood cannot replace love -- - more aristocratic tyranny to civilians caused pain will not heal, because blood civilians to hatred cannot replace love for lost relatives. In the story, Dr Menet was freed from prison to live with his daughter in London.
Five years later, they testified in court for the French youth, Charles Darnay, who married darnay in love. In 1792, the French revolution broke out and the scene moved to France. Darnay, who had been arrested and sentenced to death for being a descendant of the aristocracy, had been in love with Lucy's English youth, Sidney, at the critical moment. Carton took the guillotine for him. Carden is one of the most attractive and complex characters in the book. Decadent, negative, at school, he only writes homework for classmates; After society, even with all the talent, it still chose to work for another lawyer. But beneath his cold exterior, there was a deep tenderness.
With this a welcome tenderness and love for Lucy, cardan made a significant decision - - instead of the guillotine dyer that -- - with his own life in exchange for another person's life, in return for a family's happiness and smile. It was the act of carden guarding Lucy, sacrificing for love, how noble it was in that great age, even in modern times! Compared with the tenderness and love of the representative, Mrs. Dofstone was a symbol of bloodshed and bloodshed. The death of a loved one in the hands of darnay's father and uncle, she lived for a lifetime of hatred; For the death of darnay's family, he had no need of it, and at last he was killed by a fire. The bloodlust of Mrs. Dauphin was a terrible shock, but it also made people sigh the power of hate, and make the woman who should be happy and happy to be the Nemesis. At the end of the eighteenth century, France was burned into asurra hell by this perverse and vengeful flame. Lessons and meanings cannot be forgotten by the years. If we can't get something out of it, the same tragedy will happen again. Two hundred years later, we hope that we can create a new century of true equality, freedom and fraternity in this generation.
双城记英文读后感 篇9
A tale of two cities is one of dickens's most important masterpieces. Long before writing a tale of two cities, dickens is very concern on the French revolution, reread the British historian, Carlyle's "French revolution" and other scholars about the work. His keen interest in the French revolution began with fears of a serious social crisis lurking in Britain at the time. At the end of 1854, he said: "I believe that dissatisfaction like smoke fire up worse than, this special like the public before the French revolution for the first time, it's danger, for one thousand kinds of reasons, such as poor harvest, the nobility of bossy and incompetent the already tense situation last to defeat in war, overseas and domestic events and so on -- into that have never seen a terrible fire." It can be seen that the motive for the creation of a tale of two cities is to use the historical experience of the French revolution as a reference to the British ruling class. At the same time, through the extreme portrayal of the revolutionary terrorist, also to harbor resentment, attempting to violence against the tyranny of the masses, warned that fantasy for the status quo of social contradictions increasingly deepen to find a way out.
Starting from this purpose, the novel profoundly revealed before the French revolution deeply intensified the social contradictions, strongly criticized aristocracy dissolute brutal, and deep sympathy for the lower people's suffering. The work pointed out that there is a limit to the endurance of the people. Under the brutal rule of the aristocracy, the people were forced to rise up against their livelihood. Such resistance is justified. The novel also depicts the spectacular scenes of the people attacking the bastille and displaying the great power of the people. However, the author stands in the position of bourgeois humanitarianism, namely, against the tyranny of the cruel oppression of the people, and against the violence of the revolutionary people against the tyranny. In dickens's book, the whole revolution was described as a catastrophe of destruction, a merciless punishment for the evil aristocracy, and the blind murder of innocent people.
The novel shapes three kinds of characters. A kind of feudal aristocracy, represented by the marquis brothers of erfrimont, whose "only unshakable philosophy is oppressing people", is the object of the author's pain and flagellation. Another group is the revolutionary masses, such as the stone couple. It must be noted that their image is distorted. Such as cutting stone wife, Diana, she was born in peasant, insulted, persecution of the feudal nobles with great hatred, the author deeply sympathize with her misery, really appreciated her strong personality, before and after the revolution, excellent talents and extraordinary leadership ability; But when the revolution went deeper, it turned her into a cruel, fierce, narrow-minded Nemesis. Especially when she went to the doctor's house to hunt for lucie and lucie, she was more of a bloodthirsty maniac. In the end, the author let her die under her gun, clearly expressing a negative attitude. The third category is idealized characters, which are the authors' example of humanitarian solutions to social conflicts and the triumph of love over hate, including the menet, darnay, laurel and calden. Doctor menet was killed by the marquis brothers, and he had a deep hatred for the marquis. But for the love of his daughter, he could abandon the old hatred. Darnay was the nephew of the marquis, who was greatly aware of the guilt of his family, and of abandoning the title and property, and was determined to make atonement with his own actions. This is a reflection of the characters, a victim of the tyranny of the aristocracy, tolerance; One was the heir to the noble marquis, who advocated benevolence. Among them was lucie, the daughter and wife. Under the bonds of love, they form a happy family of mutual understanding and affection. This is clearly the way the author envisages a solution to the social conflict, contrary to the violent revolution, which is not practical.
The tale of a tale of two cities is different from the general historical novel, its characters and main plot are fictional. During the French revolution broad real background, the author clues to give priority to with fictional characters meini, doctor's experience, the unjust charge three independent each other, love and revenge and interconnected stories interweave together, intricate plot, intricate plot. The author adopts the technique of flashback, narration, foreshadowing and foreshadowing, so that the structure of the novel is complete and tight, the plot twists and turns intense and dramatic, and shows excellent artistic skills. The tale of a tale of two cities is solemn, melancholy and full of sorrow, but lacks the humor of early works.
双城记英文读后感 篇10
Today, I finally read the book of two cities by the British writer Charles Dickens. After reading this book, I was in a long mood.
Novels in the 18th century French revolution as the background, the story will be in Paris, London, link up the two big cities, a narrative horse nate doctor is full of love and adventure, interspersed with the noble's cruelty, people's anger, trial spy... It mainly reveals the social order of the British and French in that period, and the life of the nobles and the ordinary people.
The book focuses on the fact that poor Dr Manette, who had been imprisoned in the bastille for 19 years by the aristocracy, had his daughter taken to live in England. In court, the father and daughter met the French nobleman darley and the poor master carton. Later, manette's daughter Lucy and darley married, and after ten years of happy family life, caton also gave Lucy a promise to make Lucy happy.
The people living in poor and helpless, cold and hunger, the plight of poor sickness repeatedly, suffered oppression, their hearts a backlog of deep and deep hatred of nobility, finally triggered the French revolution to overthrow the regime, for freedom. After the outbreak of the French revolution, darley went to France to defend his innocent servant, but he was arrested for being a French aristocrat. And carton, in order to make the promise of lucie's life happy, used him to be similar to darley, and, before he was sentenced to death, he replaced him with Dudley, and replaced him with the guillotine.
The dark ages have passed, the days of hope and light have come, and the darkness is terrible! At first, the world belongs to the king, and later, the world belongs to the people. On July 13, 1789, the people stormed the bastille, where political prisoners were held; On January 21, 1793, the revolution brought king Louis xvi to the guillotine, which symbolized the end of feudal rule. On 20 February 1793, the first republic of France was established.
The 18th century, full of darkness and oppression, is gone, and the miserable life of the people is over. We have ushered in the 21st century, which is to be bathed in hope, and the long years from that era to today are as brief as they were yesterday. I think that the spirit of carton is worthy of our study, he is affectionate, he keeps his promise, in order to fulfill his promise to Lucy, at all costs, including precious life.
The people of today will never let history repeat itself, nor will history repeat itself. Let us live each day and make our 21st century more glorious!
双城记英文读后感 篇11
"This is the best of times and the worst of times." The first sentence of a tale of two cities is quoted numerous times. But I guess the man who knows this sentence and the novel "tale of two cities" tells a story, and does not know why. If you want to understand the original meaning of this sentence, and why you write this classic sentence, it is natural to read the original.
"In short, that era is so similar to today's." This sentence actually explains the two questions of the above classic sentence: why do you say that, and to whom? This is one of the reasons why the novel was born, dickens hope that through such a novel, by describing the French revolution brought disaster to the people to express their own worry, warn the dangerous situation at the same time. A revolutionary history, two cities representing two countries, a few wind and rain people, constitute the main elements of the novel.
Although the tale of a tale of two cities is a classic novel, it is considered to be the author's view of history because it explicitly states that the revolutionary background is the French revolution. And that is the focus of countless controversies over the novel. In the novel, dickens showed the cruelty of the aristocracy, but also showed the irrational destruction of the revolutionary masses. The revolution, he argued, was a kind of oppression that replaced another kind of oppression, and a bloodbath that was a direct and heavy one instead of another. A series of depictions of the storming of the bastille and of the mob - bloody, brutal, cunning, malevolent - is the most striking aspect of the novel.
Dickens has devoted a great deal of ink to the evil of the mob, showing his abhorrence of the mob and, in a certain degree, the hatred of the revolution. Of course, as a humanist, dickens also points out the cure for the world: love. This kind of love, embodied in the novel includes family love, love, friendship and such private feelings, also includes the abandonment of the aristocracy, the salvation of the kind of fraternity. Among them, the most brilliant is the description of carton's love.
I like carton very much. In fact, carton was the embodiment of dickens, and dickens was the first to think of the man and the spirit of his body to conceive the novel. So, what was carton like? The novel describes: "the sun is sad and mournful, and the rising of sorrow, the sight unseen, is nothing worse than this man. He is talented and emotional, but he has no opportunity to show his talent. He can't do anything, and he can't make his own happiness. He knew his problem, but he resigned himself to his fate, and he wasted all his time, year after year.
It is a young man who has lost his talent and youth. The novel does not appear to have been explained, since he has appeared in the first place, and has not written much about his family background. Personally, this man represents dickens himself, so he does not need to describe too much - the fall of carton comes from his frustration with the deteriorating society. He went up to the guillotine and said, "I see the evil of this age, and the evil of the former times, which has caused this evil, and I have gradually died for my SINS."
Pessimists - caton, was rejected by his friends meet with difficulties, in the love of a woman's husband is about to be guillotined in when he suddenly appeared, be don't save the situation, do price with his own life, in the Nick of time to make a replace plan to rescue his beloved woman's husband.
It is not the love of Christ, who has redeemed his sin and died. In fact, in the novel, carton did indeed say, in the biblical tone, "the resurrection is in me, the life is in me, and the man who believes in me, though dead, will rise again. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. This is the medicine that dickens prescribed for "the worst of times", but it is, after all, an ideal. It is said that the tale of a tale of two cities is an immortal work without Sidney. The existence and behavior of carton, the novel loses its value and brilliance.
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