,这种“形象的”表达是巧合还是本意如此? 关于deadline的来源(wikipedia) There is only indirect evidence that the term deadline in the sense of "due date" may be connected with the use of the term in prison camps during the American Civil War, when it referred to a physical line or boundary beyond which prisoners were shot. 只有间接证据表明,“deadline”有“到期日”的意思可能是和美国南北战争期间战俘集中营中的用语有关,在那是它指的是枪杀囚犯的物理边界线。 (可能真的是deadline...)
In fact, the term is no longer found in print by the end of the 19th century, but it soon resurfaces in writing in 1917 as a printing term for "a guideline on the bed of a printing press beyond which text will not print". 但事实上,直到19世纪末该词就没出现过了。但很快在1917年,它以印刷术语的形式重新出现,表示出版社的印刷准线,超过这根线,将不再印刷。 guideline 指导方针;准线 bed印刷相关的文本中指“印刷机” E.g. put to bed 把(报刊等)付印 Three years later, the term is found in print in the sense of "time limit" in the closely connected publishing industry, indicating the time after which material would not make it into a newspaper or periodical. 三年后,该词作为“期限”意思出现时是和出版行业密切相关。其意是晚于这个时间点的资料不会再出版。 后来慢慢由此引申为做事情的期限。 日常生活中,你有没有过被deadline压到喘不过来气的时候?
There was a saying goes that deadline is the primary productive force(“deadline”是第一生产力), becuase those who like to put off task are extremely efficient the night before the due date. 饱受deadline折磨的人估计分为两类 1. late-stage procrastinator 晚期拖延症患者 procrastinate v.耽搁,拖延 For people who are used to procrastinating, the first step maybe their hardest step, and they usually comfort themselves with the words “Tomorrow is another day.”
(斯嘉丽哭晕在厕所。。。这个锅我不背!) 2. bad time-planner 不善于时间规划的人 -Do you have any plan? -The first step of my plan is to make a plan.
(嗯,我先做个计划表,然后...啊喂!怎么就没然后了啊?!) 老实说,你有没有经历过这种绝望时刻?刚从毕业论文和磨课、备课中熬过来的我要以血的教训给可能被deadline支配的你一点点小建议 Tips about how to be an efficient person and get rid of the stress of deadline 1. break your task into several small manageable tasks 细化你的任务 2. turn off the internet or change the background of your phone into black or other dark colors 关掉网络或将手机换成黑色背景图减少诱惑,后者真的有效,不是心理作用。 3. award yourself after you finished several small tasks 在完成阶段性任务之后适当奖励自己 4. set alarms to remind you that time is limited and how fast it goes by 事情多的时候我一般每隔一小时设一个闹钟,然后你会发现你练上厕所都是奔跑的!(最有效!) Douglas Adams曾说过“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by.” ,我想最近的我可能爱上the regular beep sound of my alarm,告别拖延,不再被deadline支配,你一般是怎么做的呢?
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